
Most of you already know me, because you are my dearest family and friends. Just in case someone else finds this unaware, I will give my introductions: My name is Katrina and I have a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis & CF Related Diabetes (CFRD). I am married to the love of my life, Philip who also has Cystic Fibrosis. He received a life changing bilateral lung transplant in 2005. I am currently wait listed at USC and UCSD for a bilateral lung transplant. I hope God blesses me with the same opportunity as my husband.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Just been quite fatigued lately. Kind of a light headed feeling. My O2 saturations are status quo for me, 95-97% on 4 Liters give or take. My blood sugars are in the correct range today too. Just doing the normal things that I do around the house. I did have enough energy to make a yummy lentil soup from scratch today which made me feel useful. Of course life can't always be very exciting can it? When it comes to the day to day stuff, we don't think anything special is happening. Perhaps that's just not true. A phone call from a cherished friend or butterscotch pudding can help make the day special. Sounds trivial. But every little bit helps. I guess that is why people start grateful journals where they write a daily log of what they are thankful for. Such sage advice. Hmmm.


  1. It's so true, it is the little mundane bits of life that really make us happy. You are so right. It's not the trip to the Grand Canyon so much as the smile of the person next to you that makes life good.

  2. I agree Katrina, life's all about little things... Was so good to see you! If you want you can mail me the med.supplies you have - my address is 1480 US Highway 46 apt 91A Parsippany NJ 07054
    I'm still sick with sore throat and my fiancee now, too!
