
Most of you already know me, because you are my dearest family and friends. Just in case someone else finds this unaware, I will give my introductions: My name is Katrina and I have a genetic disease called Cystic Fibrosis & CF Related Diabetes (CFRD). I am married to the love of my life, Philip who also has Cystic Fibrosis. He received a life changing bilateral lung transplant in 2005. I am currently wait listed at USC and UCSD for a bilateral lung transplant. I hope God blesses me with the same opportunity as my husband.

Friday, August 20, 2010


Many of you have already heard my exciting news! USC has accepted me into their program and my insurance has approved it! Woohoo! This makes me so very happy, and I am so thankful for this latest step toward my dream. It has been a long road thus far, and I have had to learn much patience. Five people have had their lung transplant surgeries at UCSD within the past month and a half. I know two of those fortunate people. They are doing quite well all told, and one is a dear friend. She is so spunky and full of energy now although she has some pain at her incision site still. And she has some drainage tubes as well. But she says it's worth the wait and can't wait to get started in her recovery. We both want to represent San Diego together in the next transplant games! Gotta think positive right?! Been learning about heart centered hypnotherapy and am finding it very helpful. It's kind of like a visualization, relaxation process. It's centering me to my mind and body giving it connection. It has been very liberating. Sometimes people with chronic illness focus so much on the physical aspect of their problems, and the doctors only treat the symptoms.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

This biblical passage has helped me recently focus on being patient and not worrying so much about waiting around for the call or what could go wrong during surgery or after surgery. I sometimes need to be reminded that I am not alone. And that it will happen in due time. It also helps me to have my amazing husband who does all dishes, laundry, vacuuming and cleaning the household now. And I am also grateful to have such encouragement from my family and friends. Went to the farmer's market yesterday, although I was huffing and puffing, I had fun. I was able to catch up with a old friend. It's been beautiful weather here, and it's so nice to be out and a about. I bought a new black & white sun hat at the market. It looks kinda sophisticated and casual at the same time. I know that after transplant, the immune suppressant medicines make one more susceptible to skin cancer. Phil has had his share of pre-cancerous spots removed. I have grown up in the sun myself and in the 70's and 80's I didn't even wear sun screen most days. I have been more proactive in the past couple of years. I just started using SPF 50 now. Gosh I'm getting older. Heehee. Well enough of my ramblings! Will write more soon.

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